Monday, October 13, 2008

Strategy and Success

1) What do you like best about class so far? What's going well?
The best part of class so far would have to be recognizing why we like the movies we do.

2) What has been your greatest disappointment so far?
It is to early in the year to really point out a great disappointment.

3) Describe how you've studied for tests or prepared for quizzes. Give me time lengths, environment, strategy, etc.
To study for tests and quizzes, I will usually get relaxed somehwere and no matter where I go there has to be music in the backround. As for length wise, i study until i feel comfortable enough with myself knowing the material.

4) Do you know if you're a visual, aural (hearing) or kinesthetic (movement) learner?
If anything, I am a visual learner, this is because I need to see how things work and do it hands on.